Sunday, May 30, 2010

May Showers, Flowers, and More...

Hello there.

The bullet points :

Fiance and I returned from a stint in Singapore, spent a week living on the peaks of Hong Kong where we found our dream house, I've decided to leave my job, and we are getting ready for our big day, which is just one short month away.

I've never been a bridal shower kind of girl, but after some convincing by my BFF, I'm glad I did it. It was intimate, just the way I like, with lots of drinks flowing, and good food. Here is what I wore to the very girly occasion : UO Dress, Bloomingdales Gold Flats ( which I just realized are not visible in the picture ).

Fiance brought home these coral peonies to cheer me up during a week of 15 hour work days and endless wedding tasks :)


  1. Hey when is your wedding day? Ours is July 3rd, is yours the same?? Crazy how it all sneaks up so fast =)

  2. It is a beautiful dress you are !
    Kiss form Switzerland =)

  3. It´s a cute dress!! Congrats for your future wedding! That special day try to be calm and enjoy the day :D!!


  4. Hey!! I want to see wedding pictures =)
